Wednesday, April 6, 2011


My parents are here visiting!  Yesterday I took them to the always groovy Piece of Art Cafe/Organic Peddler where they got to meet the owner, my friend KimAnna.  Afterwards we grabbed my banjo and headed over to Creede to talk to Courtney at Big River Music and then we went to check out some of the old mines in the area.  We were told by someone there at the mine museum that recently a new vein of silver had been discovered and it is much larger than the largest vein in the area!  This means that Creede will once again be a bustling mining town full of activity and excitement.  Here are some pictures of this VERY historic area.
This was taken at the very edge of town.  As soon as you leave the downtown area the road turns into dirt.
 Karen and Galen.  My parents.  :)
 LOVE.  Me with my two favorite men in the whole entire world.  LOVE.
 By now you know about this silly tradition, right?  =)
The guys, waiting for us girls to stop taking pictures so we can get down the road.  =)
The cliffs are jagged and as the road narrows, you feel as though you've gone back in time a hundred years.  
 There were five old mines back there, I think.  There is still one working mine in the area.
Amazing that so much of the structures still remain.  It looked like it could crumble and fall at any moment, though, and it was pretty windy up there.  
We had the dusty road to ourselves, but it wasn't hard to imagine this as being an area full of hard working miners using old equipment to get the silver out of the earth.
Wonder why it's way up there like that?

I am their only child.  =)
And they are my only parents.  I love them bunches and I am so glad they get to see where I live.  It's an incredible area, to say the least.  They've been here before, years ago, before they even had their RV and were just truck camping. Mom remembered being here, but my Dad wasn't so sure.  Mom got to be right, though.  =)
 Downtown Creede.  If you ever get a chance to come out to this part of the world, you don't want to miss this little town.  It may seem like just an old mining town, but there is much to see and do here in the summer months.  It even has a live theatre that brings people from around the world.  Check it out at:  Creede Repertory Theatre

Thanks for stopping by Colorado with us today!  See you again soon!


  1. Great pictures! And a good story line. We are glad to be here and enjoying our visit. Dad & Mom

  2. Creede looks like Jerome, AZ. It is also an old mining town.

  3. Old mining towns must resemble each other somewhat, huh Brian?

    We had a great time, too, Dad! Best visit EVER!
